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All converters
Temperature Converter Convert temperature between Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin. | |
Radius Converter Easily convert between radius, diameter, circumference, circle area, sphere volume and sphere surface area. | |
Roman Numerals Converter Convert between Roman numerals and Arabic numerals. | |
Radix Converter Convert between binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal numbers. | |
Distance Converter Convert between the most common distance units. | |
Mass Converter Convert between the most common mass units, such as kilograms, pounds and ounces. | |
Angle Converter Convert between the angle units radians degrees and gradians. | |
Time Converter Convert between the time units seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. | |
Currency Converter Convert between the biggest currencies, such as the US Dollar, the Euro, the British Pound, and the Japanese Yen. Always up-to-date exhange rates! |