Online Calculators
Math Games

Scientific Calculator

Empty expression
Radian Degree Allow input from keyboard Insert at cursor

Quick walkthrough

Typing expressions in the calculator

In order to type an expression you can either use your keyboard or the on-screen buttons. The expression is processed as you type, and hence there's no need for an equals sign.

Result field

The result is always shown below the expression. It is shown with 10 significant figures, if necessary. If your expression cannot be calculated an error message is displayed instead of the reault.

Using operation history

As you press or click on Enter, the operation ends up in the log, to the right, and the expression input field is cleared. You can use Ans to refer to the previous answer, and Prev to step back trough earlier expressions. You can also use the up/down arrows on your keyboard to step throught the expression history (and Shift+up/down for the answer history). Next to each log element is are two small buttons. They let you go back to that very operation without needing to step through the entire history: to go back to the expression, och to insert the answer into the current expression.


Below the calculator you can set the angle unit, and whether or not the calculator should receive keyboard input. "Insert at cursor" makes the input through the on-screen buttons be inserted at the current cursor position. This also lets you select part of the expression and add functions surrounding the selection. This option is not available in Internet Explorer.

Expression syntax

The calculator is very robust in terms of expression syntax. You don't have to write out multiplication signs and zeroes that are obvious. For instance, .2(7+4)pi is interpreted as 0.2*(7+4)*pi. The operator symbols are:

^Raised to the power of
Their relative priority is in the order above (higher up means processed earlier).
Note that both point (.) and comma (,) count as decimal signs.


The Frac button allows you to change the current answer to fraction form. The calulator then searches for fractions that match the decimal answer to at least seven significant figures. The Frac button is only available for non-integer answers in the range 1E-9 to 1E10.

Calculator Functions

Below is a reference table of all the calculator's functions

abs( )absolute value
sqrt( )square root
cbrt( )cube root
log( )logarithm, base 10
ln( )logarithm, base e
log2( )logarithm, base 2
sin( )sine
cos( )cosine
tan( )tangent
sinh( )hyperbolic sine
cosh( )hyperbolic cosine
tanh( )hyperbolic tangent
arcsin( )inverse sine
arccos( )inverse cosine
arctan( )inverse tangent

Remember that sine, cosine and tangent, and their inverse functions, are influenced by the angle unit.

Calculator constants

Below is a reference table of all the calculator's constants

SymbolConstant nameValueUnit
ee, Euler's number2,718281828459045none
ReEarth radius6,37814E6m
RmMoon radius1,73814E6m
RsSun radius6,955E8m
RemDistance Earth - Moon3,84403E8m
AUAstronomical unit1,495978707E11m
MeEarth mass5,974E24kg
MmMoon mass7,3477E22kg
MsSun mass1,9891E30kg
muAtomic mass unit1,660539E-27kg
mpProtone rest mass1,672622E-27kg
mnNeutron rest mass1,674927E-27kg
meElectron rest mass9,109382E-31kg
GGravitational constant6,67428E-11Nkg2m-2
gAcceleration of gravity9,80665ms-2
cSpeed of light2,99792458E8ms-1
hPlanck's constant6,626069E-34Js
qeElementary charge1,6021765E-19C
eVElectron volt1,6021765E-19J
eoElectric constant8,854187817E-12C2N-1m-2
uoMagnetic constant1,2566370614E-6NA-2
FFaraday's constant96485,34Cmol-1
NaAvogadro's number6,022142E23mol-1
RIdeal gas constant8,31447Jmol-1K-1
kBoltzmann's constant1,38065E-23JK-1
Co0°Celsius in Kelvin273,15K

Most of the physical constants (in some cases rounded) are fetched from CODATA 2010, via NIST